#BOOBS #Gelatin #IN #GOD #WE #TRUST #YoMommaJokes #AreComing #NationalTellAJokeDay #LoverAtMidnight #SocialBookmarkingSite #OnTheMap #OMGYoMommaSo #Sunday #Monday #Tuesday #Wednesday #Thursday #Friday #Saturday #58008Jello #FiftyEightThousandEight #Jello

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Call me again and you will die:

The opening up above was inspired by a scene during an episode of  The Simpsons one day after Tuesday the 13th during the month of August of the two thousand nineteenth year after the Lord Jesus Christ. That day brought on many thoughts about the movie Airplane and thoughts as to why so many American organizations use the slogan: 


Tried to find binary bible study to insert it into Ultimatum Excel Spreadsheet but no go in search results. Reminds me of that Proverb IN the bible that goes: It is of the LORD to conceal a thing and matter for a king to search it out. It feels like GOD did it so I have to type the address into the control panel. Also if you connect the abbreviation for the directions West and East you get WE.
"TRUST me it's there."
To exist.
58008 upsidedown spells BOOBS on a calculator. An airplane going into a freefall makes a bust wiggle like Jello.


1.       Ok, so the C: Disk is defragmenting along with the D drive and @DataToken1 home network flash drive it could take a few hours. I have to go to school later and return to the library to avoid late fees. I updated the ABSTRACT #9 picture before importing it. Did typo should be @DATATOKEN1=@DataToken1. Going to try to fix it later…
This is the ninth abstract art piece was done by DataToken1 


“ Yeah it would be a tragedy if the World Trade Center (
) moves to Cleveland or Detroit. But what if it had to move to the moon &/or Area 51 as a tactical retreat? Think about what is #Special about these locations 4 #WeaponsAndTactics ? (
)” $QMCI Green Bank, West Virginia 24944

While watching Person of Interest I did a quick inquiry into this Radio Telescope town. I also 

Yo momma jokes found here:

Some Examples below:

View the comeback to each joke by clicking each Yo momma joke:

A while ago I updated my twitter profile because yo momma jokes are here live and capitalized on. DToken1 led efforts to make jokes on the national joke-telling day for gamification of the DataToken1 brand. Hopefully, next week whether it is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday I will be inclined to draft more creative writing exercises, jokes, keen insights, and live updates. Maintain vigilant for new posts now and then on weekdays posted on Twitter and Pinterest queued somewhere out there you just got to look. Retweet, share, and forward this blog, please. This blog wouldn't mean much unless it was bought out by Quote Media Inc or someone like you read it, found reciprocity within these pages and clicked a link to an associated vendor, so thanks. Very much obliged with your xi, demeanor and attention to detail yet I have to zig-zag on out until next time.

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