28min #37

The timer is set, its a go. Go Reaganaughts!

So the highlight reel is this:

Dang annoyances. Especially when you're just trying to do the right thing and to write a wrong causing a malfunction in the word processing software. So much comes to mind but the best is to paint a picture with words so for whatever time is left here is "said" picture painting using italic words: Ready? Okay!

You are looking at a big picture!! Cryptocurrency!!! Cryptocurrency! You see purple, green, red, blue, green. Candlesticks and redacted quotes that are worth two thousand words or more because of all the aggregate links that twenty plus years of data collection, curation and distribution have made. You see what could be the beginning of a hashtag and/or a number sign &/or a tic-tac-toe board. And also a keystone in a brick and mortar block chained halo thing is there. Along with payments and prayers along with alt tags and media descriptions. You can see 58,008 and volume fluctuations. Lock and a key to go along with the keystone in the arch. Red and blue hairs in front of the green and the website "www.quotemedia.com". The numbers (4),(5),(30),(52),(58008). Halos and bottles and potential energy thru the use of backlinks. Questions like what can I get under the Christmas tree? Why am I not playing computer games or games on my smartphone? If I get 25 social bookmarking backlinks over the course of three days and it gets me five visitors haw much value does each of those back-links contribute with $ 7.00-lifetime membership that will get you 25 back-links as long as the site is up and running?  Also, there is a calculator that...  
