28min #1

     Just burning the midnight oil. Were you the reader of this blog post doing so as well last night and saying #HappyNewYear.

How about complete all the tasks the make up your new resolutions for the year? Get any of those done? Well, what about any of last years goals?

 Earlier today in preparation to avoid pitfalls such as writers' block I prepared by incrementally warming up my creative writing muscles by doing a 3.5min, 7min, & 14min series before this blog post. 
 Hopefully, I won't run out of creative juices before your attention span runs out. 
 If you could add anything to the green screen above... What would it be?
 Take your time...
 No pressure:
 Drop and give me 20!
 Water break!
 Where you born via a natural vaginal birth? C-section? Or test tube?
 If you were a natural birth odds are your mama's water broke a while ago.
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